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Artwork Lantern Kit
Visiting Grandma and Grandpa this holiday season? Give them a gift that they'll treasure for years to come. Have them help your older child build one of these electric lanterns, decorated with artwork drawn by their favorite grandchild! Just take one of these Artwork Lantern Kits along with you and grandparent and grandchild will build lasting memories as they work together. Appropriate for ages 7 and up.

In association with, Hide and Seek Children's Wear offers a selection of imagination-driven, natural toys.

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Blocks and Building Toys
Let you and your child's imagination roam as you play with these construction toys.
Things That Go
Instead of using electronics to make the noises, share the joy of shrieking "Vroom! Vroom!" with your exuberant little friend.
Joy and rapture. Two words which aptly describe the visual and tactile experience of handling these wooden puzzles.
Dolls and Doll Essentials
Lovely dolls for girls and boys and homes for your child's new friend.
Infant & Toddler Toys
Take a moment to peruse these thoughtful and beautiful toys. Crafted in wood, and a pleasure to touch, you have to wonder how some of them ever got made in plastic.
Although these products don't fit neatly into a particular category, they are by no means ugly ducklings. Check out these great finds.


We truly live in a technological age. My son and I play computer games together at least once a week. At nearly 17 mos he already knows how to turn the monitor and computer on and off, uses a mouse, and can insert/remove CD-ROMs and diskettes. Kids definately grow up way too fast. Because of this, I've asked eToys Software to help me share the joys of computer gaming with one's little one with you.

For those that enjoy creative computer games, I'd really like to recommend the Freddi the Fish games by Humongous Entertainment. These are the same people who have put out the Blue's Clues games. This is really for preschoolers or older, but my son loves fish and the action. We go from screen to screen and I point out what is going on and get excited right along with him. We've only played the third game, but we loved its storybook format and the lively and engaging characters.



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